Prüfungsprogramm der IBJJF – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu





In order to unify the teachings, the practice of Jiu-Jitsu and to standardize models of competition, the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) presents this General System of Graduation.

To continue the progress and spirit of the recently renewed Jiu Jitsu Book of Rules, launched in January 2012, the General System of Graduation strives to enhance the athletes’ understanding of the graduation process from white belt to red belt.

The IBJJF has updated the General System of Graduation to provide improvements to our old rules. The biggest improvement is the inclusion of a new grading system for athletes 4 to 15 years of age, which separates each belt rank groups (gray, yellow, orange and green). This new system for athletes under the age of 16 will make the practice of Jiu-Jitsu more exciting and attractive by providing more frequent graduations, which also provides steady advancement throughout the athlete’s career.

In regards to the grading system of athlete from 04 to 15 years old, the IBJJF added additional improvements and suggestions for professors and instructors. For Example: There are three different ways to grant degrees, which the IBJJF suggests to be done monthly, trimestrial and quarterly. The purpose of this is to track the Jiu-Jitsu practitioner’s time within every color belt rank.

The current General System of Graduation is evolving and may need to be modified over time according to the needs of Jiu- Jitsu. The IBJJF intends to continue working to make the sport easier, more attractive and satisfying for athletes and professors.


Minimum age requirements for athletes between 04 to 15 years old

White – Any age

Group Grey (Gray and White Belt, Gray Belt, Gray and Black Belt) – 4 to 15 years

Group Yellow (Yellow and White Belt, Yellow Belt, Yellow and Black Belt) – 7 to 15 years Group Orange (Orange and White Belt, Orange belt, Orange and Black Belt) – 10 to 15 years Group Green (Green and White Belt, Green Belt, Green and Black Belt) – 13 to 15 years

Minimum age requirements for athletes starting from 16 years old

White – Any age

Blue – 16 years or more Purple – 16 years or more Brown – 18 years or more Black – 19 years or more

Red and black – 50 years or more Red and white – 57 years or more Red – 67 years or more

2.3 – Observations

The minimum age for the athlete to be eligible to change belt is the age he or she has completed or will complete in the current year, following the formula: current year – birth year = age of the athlete.

In the year that the athlete turns 16 years of age, he or she must be placed in the Belt system from the Article 1.1. He or she will be promoted to the new rank according to the belt he has:

White Belt – Remains in White Belt;

Grey Belt, Yellow Belt, Orange Belt – turns to Blue Belt;

Green Belt – turns Blue or Purple Belt according to professor’s decision.


The graduation of athletes must also meet the following minimum periods of permanence in each color: Practitioners between 04 to 15 years old – No minimum period of stay in each belt.

Athletes between 16 and 17 years old

White – No minimum time Blue – No minimum time Purple – 2 (two) years

Athletes from 18 years old – White Belt to Brown Belt

White – no minimum time

Blue – 2 (two) years

Purple – 1 (one) year and a half

Brown – 1 (one) year Athletes from the Back Belt *

Black – 31 years

Red and black – 7 years Red and white – 10 years Red – undefined


*The periods mentioned in this topic are fixed, not minimum and determine how long each practitioner should remain in each belt.

The period mentioned in the Article 3 should be counted from the day of the registration of the athlete in IBJJF in each belt.

The time it takes for the athlete graduate from white belt to black belt is up to the athlete’s professor. However, the IBJJF requires a mandatory minimum amount of time the athlete must spend at each belt level.

From the black belt graduation on (red and black belt, red and white belt and red belt) the practitioner must meet the manda- tory minimum time requirement for each belt rank after black belt graduation date.


Division by degrees

 Athletes between 04 to 15 years old

The IBJJF suggests professors have some way of dividing each belt by degrees. See the suggestions in the exhibit of this Regulation.

Athletes ages 16 years and older

White Belt, Blue Belt, Purple Belt, Brown Belt – They are divided single color belts and 4 degrees.

Black Belt – Single color Belt and divided by six (6) degrees. Red and Black Belt – Represents the seventh degree black belt Red and White Belt – Represents the eighth degree black belt Red Belt – Represents the ninth degree black belt

Note: Until the brown belt, the adoption of the degree system is up to each professor. However, when a practitioner receives their black belt it is mandatory to adopt the degree system defined by IBJJF.

Athletes from the black belt ranking on (red and black belt, red and white belt and red belt)

  • Every promotion to a new degree in the black belt is only valid starting from the issuance of an IBJJF diploma, after the applicant meets the basic requirements present in Article 5.
  • The first degree can only be requested after a minimum of three (3) years of the black belt
  • The second and third grades can be requested only after a minimum period of three (3) years from the previous
  • The 4th, 5th and 6th grades can be requested only after a minimum period of 5 (five) years from the previous
  • The 7th and 8th grades (red and black belt) can be requested only after a period of 7 (seven) years from the previous
  • The 9th degree (red belt) can only be applied after a minimum period of 10 (ten) years from the previous
  • The 10th grade (red belt) was given only to the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the Gracie brothers: Carlos, Oswaldo, George, Gaston and

Note: The year or years the athlete does not renew his or her membership and/or register an academy with IBJJF will not count as time towards certifying a degree or degrees.



Basic Requirements

  • Must be affiliated to IBJJF in the current
  • Can not be an athlete with provisional graduation (see article 7)
  • Must provide First Aid or CPR course certificate
  • Must attend an IBJJF Referee Course within a 12 month period before the date the athlete requests the new degree
  • Must attend at least one of the two requirements below:
  1. Must be the professor responsible or assistant professor at an academy that has renewed the affiliation through IBJJF in all previous years for the minimum period required for the new
  1. Must be an athlete practicing Jiu-Jitsu in an academy that has renewed the registration through IBJJF in all previ- ous years for the minimum period required for the new graduation and has a professor (in charge) who is a black belt with at least 2 degrees certified by Please Note: The professor that signs the application form also must be the professor that promoted the athlete and be a black belt with at least two degrees certified by IBJJF.


The Black belt certification graduation for each new degree is an individual process that depends on a thorough analysis by the IBJJF including examination of documents, therefore, there is no set time for its conclusion.

In countries where there is a local organization or federation linked to IBJJF who is responsible for the certification, it may require additional documents to the basic IBJJF requirements.


The membership form of an athlete graded in belts of gray, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple and brown must be signed by an IBJJF affiliated black belt (except provisional Brown Belt, see article 7.)

The graduation of an athlete to black belt can only be signed by a black belt instructor that promoted them and must have at least 2 degrees certified by IBJJF (except provisional Black Belt, see article 7.)

In countries or regions where there are not enough black belts for the development of the sport, IBJJF will accept purple belt and brown belt athletes to sign as instructors. Once the minimum number is reached, the use of instructor status will be suspended.

Brown belt instructors can only graduate athletes to purple belt and purple belt instructors can only graduate athletes to blue belt.



Athletes receive a provisional graduation when they register their brown or black belt under IBJJF, without having a registration of past graduations. Provisional athletes are:

  • Brown belts who never had IBJJF registration;
  • Black belts who never had IBJJF registration;
  • Brown belts who never had a registration as a purple belt at IBJJF;
  • Black belts who never had a registration as a brown belt at

Athletes with provisional graduation are classified as “provisional” during 2 years from the date of their membership approval by IBJJF.

The membership form of a provisional brown belt athlete must be signed by a black belt with minimum graduation of 2 (two) degrees.

The membership form of a provisional black belt athlete must be signed by a black belt with minimum graduation of 3 (three) degrees.

Athletes with provisional graduation must remain registered under the academy of the professor who recognized the graduation for at least 2 years after the IBJJF membership approval date.

Athletes with provisional graduation cannot be the responsible professor of an academy, but they can be an assistant instructor.

Black belt athletes with temporary graduation cannot request a black belt certificate with the IBJJF.